Saturday, October 30, 2010

I've moved!

I've moved! Both literally and figuratively! In honor of my recent move to Mission Viejo, California I have launched a new photograpy website with a brand new name!

Head on over to Brownie Photography at! Be sure to subscribe! You can also find me on facebook!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Learning by osmosis

Do you ever just wish you could just absorb all the knowledge in these books by osmosis? :) It was so great to have a chance to try out some new things with this sweet little guy! Babies are so fun, and such a challenge at the same time! I have to say, though, that the result is totally worth it! We even caught some of his very first smiles on camera! Thanks K, for letting me come capture some sweet moments!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Three months old!

I am about 10 days late, but my little guy is three months old now! I love his drooly mouth, and the way his smile lights up his whole face!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

AAAAAND We're Back!

After a long break from the photo scene, I am back! My sister-in-law was kind enough to let me follow her and her boys around for a while. :) It was so fun to get the camera out again, even though I feel a bit rusty! It certainly didn't hurt to have such wonderful, smart, cute, beautiful, handsome subjects. But I'm not biased, or anything...

Here are a few of my favorites from the day.